Twitter ghost writer for hire

I offer my services as a Twitter ghost writer if you want to get more Twitter followers and build your brand.

  • I grew one client's following from 250 to 2,500 in 4 months.
  • One client scored over 6,000 likes in one day that I wrote for them - the tweet was seen by 1.3 million people.
  • Another client secured a new coaching client within the first week of my writing tweets for him.

I have worked with founders who have been through YCombinator, CEOs of $100m SaaS companies and bootstrapped founders. I have also written for brand accounts.


"I was very impressed by your response to requests and guidance. When I wanted things adjusted or altered, you were good at changing direction. It's also helpful to have a writer who understands the startup world– your responses and tweets were relevant and engaging.” Luke Versweyveld, founder of Startup Founder Daily
"When I went on sabbatical I hired Pete to post on Twitter for me. I really appreciated his help with things. He did great work!" Chris Mikulin, co-founder of Kulin marketing agency
"Working with Pete to write thought leadership for our CEO has been fantastic. The high engagement and overall results speak for themselves and all stakeholders have thoroughly enjoyed working with him from start to finish. I would recommend him to anyone." Verity Raphael
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Twitter ghostwriting services

I can help with

• writing/editing tweets for you

• remixing blog posts into material to tweet

• engaging with other founders

• providing social media strategy advice

• improving your Twitter bio and how your profile looks

I enjoy writing for:

• SaaS companies
• founders
• no-code companies
• bloggers & newsletters
• agencies
• course makers
• marketers

Not a good fit:

• crypto & web3
• technical products I need to research a lot
• real estate
• US sports

I have happy clients and it would be nice to add a few more this year. In addition to being a Twitter expert, I also offer LinkedIn ghost writing services.

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What is a Twitter ghostwriter?

A ghost writer is someone who writes on behalf of someone else. In my case, I write tweets for entrepreneurs. So it appears as if they have written the tweets themselves.

This solves a problem for them of being too busy to write posts on Twitter or not being sure what to write in the first place.

How Twitter ghost writing works?

I either write tweets in a twitter scheduling tool so the client can see what I'm going to send out in advance or I write drafts in a Google sheet for them to check. Clients pay me on a monthly basis.

I charge depending on how much output you need, if you need threads and whether it's a personal account or a company account as well. I can also find great accounts for you to follow and engage with - for instance, here are 30 bootstrapped founders to follow on Twitter

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My Twitter writing experience

I've grown my personal Twitter to over 7,000 followers and my No CS Degree company Twitter to over 8,400 followers. Both of these accounts could be higher if I engaged in some of the mindless tweets but I prefer to keep a higher quality conversation going.

Here's an example of sharing advice from a developer without a CS degree about breaking into tech:

I mainly tweet about tech, startups, coding and marketing. So I'm well suited to be a ghost writer for you if you work in any of these areas. I also like to add personal stories to tweets as well as I have seen that people like to know the whole person.

This is my best performing tweet according to the Chrome plugin Twemex:


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Why hire a ghost writer for Twitter?

Essentially, people pay me because I know how to write tweets that gain them followers, improve their image, spark conversations and gain them new clients. I analyse what works for each client and I'm good at adopting their voice when I tweet.

So if you never uses emojis, I will take note of that and not use emojis when I write for you. I can basically write tweets for you in a way which won't arouse any suspicion that you are using a ghost writer.

I save my clients a lot of time by writing tweets for them. My clients are busy entrepreneurs who don't have time to post on Twitter. I'm good at remixing content for Twitter. So I can go through a podcast interview, find the best quotes, and add them to Twitter.

How many tweets a day to grow?

I generally recommend that clients should post 1-3 tweets per day. Nothing bad will happen if you miss the odd day but a Twitter profile that looks inactive is very unappealing. If I view an account that has no recent tweets, I'm very unlikely to follow that person unless I know they have occasional nuggets of great content.

How many hashtags should I use on Twitter?

I don't actually think you should use hashtags any more. What started off as a good idea for grouping tweets now looks very spammy. There can be some exceptions such as #BuildingInPublic - every tweet with this hashtag is added to the Building in Public website. In general though, I advise clients not to use hashtags on Twitter. If you do use hashtags, you should capitalize each word as this means screen readers for the blind can better read the hashtag.

LinkedIn ghost writer

I've also started offering LinkedIn ghost writing services as well. I have over 800 connections on LinkedIn, with a focus on developers and startup founders.

Hire me as a ghost writer for Twitter or LinkedIn

If you'd like to hire me as a ghost writer for Twitter or LinkedIn, just send me a quick email outlining your social media needs.

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